At first I passed on it as it had a $15 price tag, but after all our shopping I decided to give it another try. I went in and as I was checking out the lady said "OH I love this stuff!" and I said "Really? Whats your favorite piece?" and she said "I just love my two-quart casseroles" and I said "I love my 404's and cake pans!" and she paused a minuet and said - "Tell ya what, your a good kid, I can tell- you can have it for $10." SOLD!
* * *
During our walk around the square, we stopped into a "Hipster" run antique store, After searching and searching, it looked like the oldest thing in the shop was from 1989. Then in the back of the store about 10 feet from where I was standing, My Pyrex senses started tingling.
I saw the very top of this Butterprint Cinderella its a (number) I dug it out from where it was and saw it had no price tag. CRAP I thought, these people are going to take me to the bank on this... So I go up to the counter and the girl behind the register puts down her mandolin and cat and says "Can I help you?" I said "yes, could you tell me how much this bowl is?" *she looks it over* "Wow this old, like REALLY old I don't think I've ever seen one like this before... *Aw Crap, I think* she then says "Well its really grungy, and I don't think thats coming off... how about $10?" SOLD!
Well when I got home that night, I let it soak in hot bubbly water and used one of those magic cleaning eraser sponges and it cleaned right up and looks brand new!We couldn't help but smile, we got a $35 bowl for $10 because of that girls unwillingness to give it a good scrub!
I think we're going to keep Oranges in it... take THAT Hipsters!