Saturday, May 7, 2011

Golden Saturday

I Went thrifting today (when I should have been working) and found these two butterfly gold with lids! ($6 each) They are from the 3 piece Bake, Serve, and Store set - just missing the largest piece!!

These are my first butterfly gold! There were some green spring blossom dishes too, but I passed on them because they were $10 each. I prefer the butterfly gold pattern anyway. Dang, thrift stores are really catching on to us with these prices!

Enjoy the weekend!

Recipe Puppy

P.S. Our website Recipe Puppy was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal. Check it out!


  1. Nice finds ... so pretty and with their lids too!

  2. Love the Pyrex!!!! The next best thing to Fire King :)

  3. Very nice, and you were lucky to find them with their lids! Great price too!

  4. Very nice! I love Butterfly Gold too, it's my all time fave! Followed by Butterprint.
