Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pumpkins and Pyrex In Action
So today we carved our pumpkins with the toddlers (my daughter will be 3 in Jan, my son is a year and a half old). They thought they were very SPOOKY.
Afterwards we roasted the seeds and made some pumpkin bread from fresh pumpkins.
This is a perfect excuse to bring out my primary blue refrigerator dishes for mini-pumpkin loaves.
On a side note, I found a lovely dish at a local antique mall with the cradle and lid.
On searching for it, I find that it should have a white patterned lid. I will search for that too. In the meantime, take a gander at the Blue Floral Promotional Casserole.

Thus continues my affection for all blue pyrex.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I know it's not Pyrex, but what is it?
Lonely Little Lids
Last week, I jumped with excitement when I saw a clear, round Daisy lid sitting on the shelf! But my excitement was short lived when I turned it over and saw that the top side was incredibly faded - so much so that I put it back down. I try to keep my collection (obsession?) in check by only buying minty pieces. But this little lid was calling to me so I went back and grabbed it; it was only 99 cents after all!
Because it's so faded on the "presentation side", I won't actually use it for serving food. But I did find a way to display it! Jump on over to my blog to see how I incorporated it into my new kitchen display.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Pink Pyrex... with the odd lid....
The aluminum lid is marked on the inside:
Made in USA
Somehow this lovely covered dish ended up in the dishwasher of the Hostess.
I had used my dish to transport zesty dip in... for a friend's baby shower. Since the baby was to be a girl... and I wanted to use my pretty pink Pyrex. To add a little jazz to the table of food. Somehow my beautiful bowl ended up in the dishwasher after the Shower. And its pretty shiny pink color, came out dull.
Needless to say. I never used another piece of my pink Pyrex for any party... unless it is in my house. :) Where I can see what is in the dishwasher, before it's turned on.
Originally posted to:
My Latest Pyrex Finds
Flameware Collection
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Staying in the know...
Today, I'm here to ask all of you
Is anyone out there as ridiculous as I am and likes to have photos along with all the info handy? I know some of you will say I should do it digitally but I like having something I can carry with me all the time. So how do you do it?
Pink Pyrex...
Then one morning at the Whitewright Flea market... I saw my new love. Pink Pyrex.
Here was a gorgeous pink striped bowl... with its label intact! And there were two of them! I purchased both for 7.00. I have not ever gotten, another piece of pink Pyrex that cheap ever again.
The matching bowl was given as a gift to my sister. She too has love for the vintage kitchen glassware. Especially when they still have their label attached.
(This was originally posted to )
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Dollar Pyrex
pyrex for grandma
Far Reaches of Pyrexia
The second is a Butterfly Gold #483
Needless to say I had to bring them back to Canada with me. I'm happy to report that both survived the journey and are now happily sitting in the cupboard waiting to be used. These pieces are definitely seasoned travelers by now.
Where are some of the craziest places you've found pyrex? I'd love to hear some stories.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Far From Home
We had a chance encounter during one of my sessions so we checked each other to make sure we weren't going to kidnap the other. LOL. I'm crazy about Pyrex but not crazy crazy. So Chris picked me up at the hotel and took me to her fantastic shop. I met her wonderful family including her gracious husband. It was his birthday and they were kind enough to show me around.
They had so many great items but I had to limit my purchases to what I could take on the plane. See my album for more pictures.
Chris and her family packed all my purchases to protect them for my flight. What a fantastic family and new friend I met! Chris took me back to the hotel and even offered to take me to more places tomorrow but I didn't have the time. I go back home tomorrow. I did go to another shop Chris pointed out along the way. I made one purchase there. Everything is packed up so nicely that I will take photos once I made it back home.
If you are ever in the Rochester area, please stop by and visit Chris and her family. The shop is beautifully staged and they are all very knowledgeable and personable.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Missing in Action
Lately it seems that there just isn't as much pyrex out there as there had been, and maybe it is because people are not "spring cleaning" so to speak now that fall has set in. Today I did find an awesome piece to go with my Butterfly Gold collection though! It was tucked back behind a bunch of cups, so if I hadn't been "looking" it never would have been seen. This wonderful little creamer! Only $.99!! Now to find the sugar dish. :)
Butterprint Cinderella Bowls
On the 9th, I finally went to the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market. It was AMAZING and packed full of vintage goodies. (My only complaint is that the prices were much higher than what I've been used to paying at the San Diego swap meet I go to.) While I was there, I picked up my first set of cinderella bowls - in my favorite pattern! They are in beautiful condition. I haggled these bowls down to $25, which I thought was expensive. After seeing sets selling for $100+ at that flea market, though, I realized I bought the cheapest set in the whole place!
- Cara-Mia
Sunday, October 16, 2011
What A Fabulous Week of Pyrex Collecting!

The Spring Blossom salt and pepper shakers were bagged with a few non-Pyrex items and marked $1.99 at a Value Village. The Green Salad aka Green Dots Squares was $6.99 at another VV. Best yet, it was seniors day at VV so my mom got me 20% off! Whoo-hoo!
Mom had the flamingo and lime pie plates and Barbed Wire waiting for me at her house from her local thrift store searches. She's the best mom! Then, on the way back to Toronto, I found the perfect Horizon fridgies for just a buck each at a small church thrift store.
I would have thought it was a great week just with these. But then, this past Thursday night, we had our GTA swap meeting. It was great! I left with these to fill in the gaps in my sets:
Everyone seemed happy with their trades and I hope that we get to do it again! Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to Erin for hosting!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Rainy fall afternoons...
The loaf pan is actually Anchor Hocking (am I allowed to say that here?!). The three piece green mixing bowl set came from Goodwill, for a whopping $8.08. There are a few tiny dings, but overall they're in great shape.
Although I actually use my Pyrex every day, I have finally started to display some of my collection.
I was running out of space in the drawer!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
A Pyrex Thanksgiving
The wee orange casserole was a $2 find at Goodwill a couple weeks ago. Some lady was carrying it around, and I was watching her like a hawk. I had convinced myself that she was also a collector for some reason. However, before I had a chance to make a fool of myself by striking up a conversation, she asked someone working there how much it was, and she balked and couldn't believe it was that much, so she put it down and left. AWESOME!
On Sunday, the boyfriend's mom and I went to an auction...and there I purchased my first piece of Butterprint for $3! There was a whack of other stuff in the box it came in, too.
It's lidless, but that's okay because there's always a surplus of lonely lids at Goodwill.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Weekend Finds!
At the same booth I picked up this 1958 "Rooster Black" promotional piece with its gold plate carrier for $16 and although I spent $41 when you think about it each piece was $10.25 and I consider that a deal!
After bowie we headed down to Denton to see what it had to offer, and ended up finding the matching 441 Sandalwood Cinderella bowl for $8 normally I would have waited and tried to find the bowl cheaper, but I mean it was right there in front of me... So I purchased it an finished the set!
I also spotted a special piece at an antique store that I'm going to try and send money with Patricia next week to snag... and the location and piece is Top Secret until then!
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, October 10, 2011
I need your Help friends!
My Girlfriend and I are about to kick off a campaign with our vintage loving friends we're calling...
My shady thrift store
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Hellooo, Everybody

Long time lurker, first time poster.
My name is Tiffany and I blog over at Flea Market Fancy. I'm a recovering housewares hoarder with a soft spot for Pyrex and I'm just ticked pink to be posting here at the Collective.
My current prized piece of Pyrex is my large Gooseberry Pink Cinderella bowl. I snagged it in near mint condition at a flea market for $15.00. My collections right now are of Butterprint and Spring Blossom Green with a few Flamingo Pink bowls. All are stored in my 1940's cherry china cabinet.
The above picture is from my recent flea market destash. I had a Butterfly Gold butter dish that went to its new forever home, a covered Horizon Blue dish, an Autumn Harvest mixing bowl and two lovely pieces of Woodland in the light and dark brown.
Friday, October 7, 2011
road trip success - midnight bloom
Monday, October 3, 2011
Promotional "Gourmet"?
According to the Pyrex Love pattern reference, the pattern is called Gourmet. However, mine differs pretty significantly from the one pictured there.
Mine has no trace of blue delphite (bummer), and is yellow as opposed to being white. It's also filthy!
Another recent find worthy of noting was a lonely Terra lid (no picture, sorry!). I wonder where it's bottom is??