Monday, May 14, 2012

Flea Market & Church Rummage Sale Finds

I love the flea market.  Every other Sunday, the Piccadilly Flea Market sets up at our local fairgrounds.  There are three large rooms full of tables of (mostly) treasures.  I normally walk through twice just to make sure I don't miss anything.  On my most recent trip, I found this 13" x 8" Friendship casserole.  It's huge!
It wasn't priced so I asked the lady at the table how much it was.  She hemmed and hawed and said "Oh that's a very collectible piece".  My heart sank at those words.  But then she came back with $4.00 and I gladly handed her the money without doing my usual haggling.  This dish is perfect.  The colors are vibrant and there are no chips or scratches.

The day before, I happened upon a church rummage sale (one of my favorite types of sales).  It had been going on for a few hours when I got there so I was a little skeptical about what may be left.  Imagine my surprise when I saw this sitting front and center when I first walked in the door
It's kind of hard to tell from the photo but this is the 2-1/2 quart 475-B Butterprint casserole.  And it came with the lid.  All for $3.00!  I love those church ladies!

Until next time.....

Thrifter Sister Erica


  1. Wow great buys! Would love to find the friendship one.

  2. Church ladies rock!

  3. Those ate both amazing pieces- AND amazing prices! You super-scored!

    1. Umm, ARE amazing! :) Even better than Dana Carvey in a dress. Playing drums. ;)

  4. Don't you love that? about $4? Love it!
