Thursday, March 31, 2011
As Promised - The Butter Dish
I just finished a post on my blog about Pyrex and talked a bit about my sweet little Snowflake butter dish. Here it is. Just wanted to post a photo and link. And also...thank-you for the warm welcome a few days ago. I look forward to sharing more here soon. Nicolle
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Quick Question...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Out with the old, in with the Vintage
My third piece of Friendship (second this month!) was waiting for me at Value Village immediately post-cleanup.
Then my first ever trade item came in!! Read all about how the Pyrex Collective played a crucial role in uniting this girl with the Vintage Spinster who wanted to trade this lovely promo Compass dish. It's all on my blog.
Make room for pretty Pyrex ladies and gents, and it will come!
Monday, March 28, 2011
First Post!
Here I was making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for my daughter. Recipe can be found here; it's good.
And here we have strawberry syrup. Sorry, no recipe for this one - we just winged it.
I'll be back soon with more. I have the most darling Pyrex butter dish I want to share because it's different and pretty and I don't even know what it's called. I blog at Rhythm of the Seasons and you might be able to poke around there for other Pyrex doodads. Thanks so much for reading.
First post for me!
I love thrifting and retro, well made objects! Therefore I love Pyrex.
I just started collecting in November 2010, so my collection is small.
I did a post about my collection on Thursday, here is the link!
I look forward to reading all about your Pyrex finds and sharing my own here as well.
I've moved to a 160 acre farm and am starting a whole new lifestyle and following my dreams. It's pretty wonderful.
I'm blogging about all of that here. Come and visit.
New Here :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Lemon Chess Pie in Pyrex!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Gifted Pyrex
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Word Verification Test
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Something new
Monday, March 21, 2011
more opal white.
This weekend I visited a huge antique center.
I got the piece below, an opal white 1.5 quart #023 round bottom casserole.
It's a really useful size.
I believe this originally came with a lid.
It was $3
I also found this.
for $3.
It's 7x7 square baking dish.
Based on the really quick research I did online, I believe it was part of a set including a silver cradle and a lid.
I'm thinking manufactured sometime between 1939-1947, based on the plain tab handles.
I need to scrub it a bit more to get the years of baked-on grease out of the crevices.
I think it will make awesome chewey brownies!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Look What's for Dessert Tonight!
We found this pretty pink cake pan recently at an indoor flea market for $3 and I just had to try it out. Chocolate cake anyone?
This dish is not perfect but it has no chips and still has a lot of shine to it. Is this flamingo pink? It is the perfect size for a small cake without too many leftovers!
We also found this yesterday for $6 in a small country antique shop. It looks barely used.
This is the Americana 1 1/2 qt #402 in turquoise. I was thrilled to find this! Last week we saw a #401 in this pattern in light blue, but it was in poor shape and they wanted $15 for it; we passed.
We also found a couple fridgies, including the last #501 we needed to complete my set of Butterprint fridgies. Yes!
This is my favorite pattern; lucky for me since it is pretty common around here. On top is the matching butter dish. We are trying (most of the time!) to limit our collection to mostly pink and blue/turquoise; it is hard to pass on something nice but we have to set some limits! Do you collect certain colors or does pretty much anything go?
Have a great day!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
What is this design?
Fashionably Late to the Sharing of the Green
Though, I don't turn my nose up at Square Flowers...
Or Verde...
Or any green Pyrex! I'm looking to expand my Spring Blossom Collection, check out my blog Vintage Spinster for details on the promotional piece I'm willing to trade.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I heart Pyrex!

Hi everyone, it's my first post and I'll keep it short and fun.
Last weekend, I answered a Craigslist ad. A woman was selling a Friendship casserole.
Mint condition, glossy and a reasonable price. Yes please!
The woman then mentioned that she also had a set of Butterprint bowls for sale. Her aunt apparently kept a set for use and another one just for display. This is the display set (I snatched it up, of course!):

And just when I thought I couldn't get any luckier...

The Pyrex potholder arrived in the mail. I'm in Canada and didn't think I would get it because of the postal code issue - but it's here and it's super cute!
That's all for now. It's great 'meeting' all of you and I hope to see lots of your lucky finds, given that today is St. Patrick's day. Cheers!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Finally something that's not Old Orchard
Saturday's pyrex finds.
I'm Tam.
I blog at To Live. To Love. To Laugh.
I've always had a love for Pyrex.
My love and collection started to grow when my Gram passed away in July 2010 and I inherited some of her Pyrex.
Those are the most precious pieces to me.
Everytime I'm out thrifting, garage saling, or antique shopping, I have an eye out for Pyrex.
Saturday I found myself with a few free hours in the morning, so I hit up a few thrift stores with my boys.
I found two Pyrex pieces.
An Opal White 221 Dessert/Cake Pan in great condition.
To see what else I found thrifting on Saturday, check out my latest post here.
I look forward to meeting you!
How It All Started
Hi, I’m new here. I have enjoyed reading these blogs for many months now and thought I would share how I got started collecting Pyrex.
I decided I needed some new mixing bowls. Mine were getting much worn and I no longer had one complete set. It didn’t take long for me to discover that vintage Pyrex was so much nicer than anything on the market today. This was what I settled on: a set of four Butterprint bowls in very nice condition, found at an antique store.
Soon after I assembled another three bowl set of Butterprint separately for only a couple dollars each. Still missing a second 4 qt bowl but now I can save the first set. Butterprint must have been very popular where I live because I come across it often in my travels. I also found this 2 1/2 qt Cinderella bowl for only $2 at a local junk store; it has hardly a scratch on it.
My husband has caught the bug as well. Below is his great experiment. We came across this 4 qt bowl in the green New Dot pattern including the Pyrex lid. I had my doubts but he insisted. (I am working on my photographic skills; the dots really are green!)
It looked hopeless with baked on grime; I should have taken a "before" picture. You could hardly see through the lid and the bowl looked brownish yellow. He scrubbed it up and now the outside looks almost new! There are some scratches inside that keep it from being mint but it is shiny and white, and was only $3. I don't know if the bowl originally came with a lid but it is a perfect fit.
That’s all for now but I have a lot more to share. See you later!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
In January, I read about how Jill, an author on the main Pyrex Collective blog, found some flameware herself. Apparently this bluish tinted kind of flameware was only made from 1936 to about 1946. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find this piece at a local thrift store. It's a 7 inch pan that I think I paid about $2 for. I'd love to find the handle for it too!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Flea Market Finds!
These early american bowls were the first pyrex I found when I got to the market. The lady selling them said she'd take $10 for the set. So, I said I'd think about it and come back. 30 seconds later I was $10 short and carrying around a bag of bowls as if it were a baby. But, I needed that 30 seconds to think because I wasn't sure if I liked the print...I'm still not sure...but what a steal, right? Maybe someone will be up for a trade later.

I totally redeemed myself with this find, though. An old town blue gravy boat(?) for $2! The price tag initially said $4 but when I asked the man who was watching the tables while the seller stepped away momentarily if he would take $2, he said, "ehh sure why not?". Right place, right time, people.
This pressed flowers casserole dish with the lid AND a stand was my favorite find of the day. The price tag said $12. I asked the man how low he would go and he said $10. I looked at my Mr. for approval who just laughed and I walked away a happy girl =)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Lovely Blue Pyrex
Of course I snapped them up and held on for dear life! I was so excited to find my first complete set of Pyrex WITH LIDS!!! I still have the excitement over finding this set. Now you might be asking your self HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY??? The answer to that question is $14.99 for all three. To me that seemed like a good price. I was glad to pay it for a complete set in great condition.
Here are some pictures of my other finds recently...
The Joyful Thrfiter
Newbie pyrexic

However, after a couple weeks of much effort and thrifting at various stores, I only came across one more piece of pyrex. One cup with the spring blossom pattern in green for $1. I was pretty darn excited to find another piece of pyrex but getting frustrated that it was so hard to find!! Little did I know that at an upcoming monthly flea market I would totally hit the jackpot!! I'll share my finds tomorrow maybe with some prettier pictures since this post has become way too long already! Now I need to finish my set of spring blossom cups and find some lids to my three orphaned butter dishes!