Friday, April 13, 2012

What's A Girl To Do?

I am usually pretty well disciplined when it comes to buying Pyrex when out thrifting.  I have gotten to the point to where I only collect certain colors and patterns.  Both my husband and my cupboards appreciate this restraint.

But sometimes you just come across something that is neither a color nor pattern you collect but you have never ever seen it anywhere but in the Pyrex book.  So what do you do?

You buy it!  I came across this New Holland 1-1/2 quart covered casserole at St. Vincent De Paul's the other day.  And just in case you are wondering, the inflated Pyrex prices around here aren't just at Goodwill.  St. Vinny's had this baby marked $19.99.  Thankfully it had a green tag on it which just so happens to be the color for 50% off for the week.

But let's be honest, Pyrex friends.  I would have paid the $19.99 for it.

What would you have done if you came across what you considered to be a rare find but it wasn't what you normally collected or it was pretty unreasonably priced for a thrift?

Happy Hunting!

Thrifter Sister Erica


  1. When thrifting, I just can't leave behind reasonably priced Pyrex in great condition. (I'm literally about to do a blog post about it.)

    That's a gorgeous piece. I couldn't have abandoned it for $10 either. You can always trade it if you get tired of it.

    1. Sarah--I often read about people trading Pyrex, but I don't know anyone local who collects it. Where do you do your trades?

    2. I usually post them on Pyrex Collective and go from there. There's also a group on Facebook called "Vintage Pyrex Love" that seems to do a lot
      of Pyrex trading as well.

  2. I've never seen that pattern before--it's lovely.

  3. I would have bought that in a flash too, you just HAVE to purchase when it's a piece so unique as that! What an exciting find!

  4. That New Holland is beautiful, I would have paid full price for it too.

  5. Nice! It's a beauty. At $20 I would have put it in my shopping basket and carried it around with me, meanwhile trying to talk myself out of paying that much for it, and in the end it would go home with me. I always tell myself, "No one is going to love that piece as much as me!" And now my cupboards are ready to break off the kitchen walls.

    I went to THREE Goodwills yesterday (in Portland) and found NOTHING! I think my five year run collecting Pyrex is coming to an end. Too much heartbreak lately.

    1. Just when you think it's coming to an end than BAM! you find something amazing!

      Happy Thrifting!

  6. What a gorgeous piece! I might have splurged. Not sure.

  7. I have a New Holland piece that I've had for a while. I didn't pay $20 for it, but I probably would have. You did good! :)

  8. I am weak. I would have paid the $19.99 too. Heavens, one must buy the rare and unusual. It is a rule.

  9. I am collecting items for a store that I will own, so I probably would have bought this for my shop at $10. I would not have it for myself.

    If I found a rare piece of Pyrex I would like to trade for two more common pieces.
