Monday, April 29, 2013

new home, new pyrex displays

hello everyone!
 haven't posted lately
turns out having a baby, going back to work five months later,
moving into a new home, and finishing my masters [in june!]
can make for fewer pyrex posts - mostly because I'm still not on a regular hunting schedule
but, I do have something to share
a new home means displaying the pyrex collection in new ways
this corner window ledge is one of my favorite places in my new home
and as you maybe can tell, our new home was actually built right around 1950
so vintage pyrex was meant for this ledge!
I love having a dining room for my hutch
it seems quite small now that it is in a room, and not a hallway
I also love that I can see the majority of my collection from the main living space
something that was not true in our other home
even so, I still have a few pieces I cannot display
we lost three very large open shelves that our old kitchen had
and I'm really hating that our china and a few other pieces are hidden
I'll have to work on something for that soon
but for now, I can officially say I have moved my ninety+ piece collection 
with no breaks, chips, or cracks
[I did spend a good penny on packing supplies however]


  1. awesome the Dots!! I don't have any.

  2. Looks awesome! Congrats on all your recent fun stuff!

  3. Wow you've been busy everything looks great would like to find some of the pieces you have for my collection.
