at least it does in my house
typically, I think we could agree that most pyrex collectors [obsessors] are women
however, I know that we do have a few men here on the collectives
but still, you get what I mean
even so, I think many of us also have realized that something else can be said us collectors
many of our men have started the practice of
"if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
[or at least don't complain about the habit, because it isn't going away]
and so joining in is exactly what my husband has come around to
so here are two of his favorite pieces of "man pyrex"
we actually have the complete set, new in box, of the green Pyrex Party Mugs
and he just can't seem to get enough of them
so far he uses them solely for his adult beverages
but I'm looking forward to giving them a whirl this winter for hot beverages too
[that is - if he will share with me]
the mr. also is a big fan of his Terra Mugs
in fact, he liked using them so much that he would bring them over
to our friend's house
and the friend decided he wanted one of them too
so now they have matching Terra Mugs when they hang out
so there you go, spreading the love of Pyrex, one man at a time
hope everyone had a great weekend, and maybe some new finds!
miss macri @ educated...not so domesticated